We love patches. If you have made an improvement to the source
code which you think should be incorporated into the main code base,
please do a 'diff -u oldfile newfile > patch.diff' and send the resulting .diff file to us
at girardot (at) mac (dot) com.
Note: patches must consist entirely of code you have written and agree to release under the GNU General Public License, and/or code you have gotten from another piece of software released under the GPL. If the patch contains code from another piece of GPL software, please indicate which software it came from so we can give proper credit.
Here are some additional suggested guidelines which we think will result
in a final release of the highest possible quality:
- PROPS is a complex package with lots of interacting parts. Anything that simplifies the code is a Good Thing. We will hesitate to apply patches which add complexity, but will rush to apply patches which reduce it.
- We like to get even the smallest fixes. Don't hesitate to let us know about small typos, tabs out of place, etc. We're anal-retentive like that. (Not that you could tell that from the current codebase ;)
- Please indicate which version of a particular file your patch should be applied against.
- Please comment your code liberally so others (including us) can understand what it does.
- Please keep patches small. If you have a lot of changes to submit, please submit them separately as small patches instead of one big one.