How you can help
Props is a collaborative, open source
software development project. As such, we welcome
contributions from other developers.
We'd like to note, however, that you don't need to be a programmer to contribute.
Here is a list of other ways in which you can help:
- Submit bug reports (this is possibly the biggest thing you can do to help us out)
- Let us know at girardot (at) mac (dot) com what you found/find most confusing about the software, or which parts of the user interface could be improved, so we can make it easier to use
- Submit suggestions for making the documentation clearer to girardot (at) mac (dot) com.
- Suggest improvements or useful features. We recommend posting these to the mailing list, so others can have a chance to add their input
- Write additional documentation / user guides
- Make improvements to the included demo site templates, so others will find it easier to get up to speed on the software.
- Write funny stories to be included on the demo site.
- Drop a line and let us know how the software is being used
- Help us advertise the software by telling others in your industry or organization about it. More users means more potential contributors.